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5 November 2024 - 6 November 2024
Aviemore, United Kingdom
Ocean Energy Europe 2024
Register now
Open until 6 November 2024

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OEE2024 Conference & Exhibition

  • Make the right connections: unrivaled access to EU, national level decision-makers, CEOs, high-ranking officials and innovators
  • Meet the market face-to-face: almost 40 countries were represented at our last edition.
  • Showcase your technology and services, maximising your visibility and reach

Join our two-day event with a cutting-edge programme featuring some of the most important news and updates from the sector and a bustling exhibition

OEE2024 is organised by Ocean Energy Europe, the industry association representing ocean energy in Europe.

For more about the conference programme, exhibition, sponsorship opportunities or practical information, you can check the OEE2024 Conference Website.

Location Macdonald Aviemore Resort
Organised by